Thursday, January 8, 2009

S&T8 New Toys!

**Nessa made a booboo and had to repost this one, sorry if you got the messed up version**

It's episode eight and we have new toys!

New stove and new sound equipment!

Please forgive us while we try to figure it out :)

(ie: Derek breathing in the mic)

Say no to drinking and driving!

No driving for Derek.

Archerr, can we borrow one of your shirts?

Be our friends at Netflix

Call us at 206-426-KNOB (5662)


Michael in Stuttgart said...

OMG - I love your new sound - excellent. -although I always thought that contents, humor and talent were more important than technicalities - and no one beats you there :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha....yes, you can borrow any of my plaid shirts. Just pick one. The audio sounds great! Congrats on the new equipment!

Unknown said...

I GOT SILENCE. 30 minutes of silence. bwa bwa

TWSS BOYS said...

Its cause your old Bjorn! hahahaha awwww BWA BWA

(F)redddy said...


NESSA is the scaryoke whore, but DEREK is going to do the videos? What's with all the Derek humiliation??? Let's have a video of NESSA doing the singin'! :-)

Jed thinks its weird you have two separate (but equal) Netflix accounts.

Starshine said...

yay i was mentioned again for my mashed potatoes and bbq sauce. yuuummmmmy